Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm back.....Thanks to Sushi Hai in the Highlands

I'm not sure if it was the effect of a slightly pretentious place, a "new find"--Common Grounds coffee shop in the Highlands, or just an all-around good day, but all of a sudden, I remembered that I am a writer of blogs--to be specific, blogs on restaurants. To start with, it was a cold day, and we were fighting with the decision of whether to walk around Highlands or run back to the car for warmth. I won, we walked, 10 feet later we see sushi. What could be better? Well, it gives me a chance to run back to the store to check out some hot clothes while David runs ahead to order beers and sushi. When I finally do get there, there is a draft of Sapporo waiting for me and a sushi order ready to go in. The white tuna is truly albacore (I think) and very, very good. So good we order a second helping. And though I typically don't usually enjoy eel, it's freakin' amazing. And we get a whole roll our second time through. The Sapporos were a reasonable $2/pop and the whole bill less than $50. I think we found a find.


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